30 August 2018

Plastic Mountain

In room 5 we are learning about plastic. The reason why we are learning about plastic is because it is destroying our sea and sea animals. The turtles think plastic are jellyfish and like to eat it and it kills them.

Plastic Bottle Mountain
I gaze around on the ground and stare at  thousands of bottles underneath the bridge, I have been working and working non-stop. I flop down on all the bottles and I can see lots of different neon colours and brands, like fizzy drinks and soft drinks. I gaze at a sharp pointy grey knife that Mum is holding which she uses to cut the labels off the bottles and put them in the right basket. Six hours of boredom. “Can we go home now?” I ask.
The whole plastic mountain smells like a rotten egg. It is so disgusting I can’t breathe. I pick up a slimy bottle and I throw it in one of the big bags and it bounces off the bottom of the bridge. There are big bags of plastic bottles “I am never going home” I say to myself.          


  1. Hi Haylee
    It's Mia here, I think you have done a great job describing what is happening around you. You have also changed my minds perspective about plastic and how bad it is for the environment. I would also like to say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

    Kind regards

  2. Hi Mia, Haylee here. Thank you for the helpful comment. You're welcome for the comment. From Haylee.


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