15 April 2020

my breakfast in quarantine

In room 6 in quarantine, my teacher ask if we all could watch a Lego waffle and coffee video on YouTube. then we had to make our own breakfast but she gave us one rule not to use food. he is what I created. 


  1. Hi Haylee,

    You have done a wonderful job at creating your fake breakfast! It was really well made. I like how you used a variety of different materials to create it and how you explained what each thing was.

    Keep working hard Haylee.


    Mrs B.

  2. I really love the imagination you have used when selecting your different items. Like Mrs Bailey said i like how you have explained so everyone knows what each item is trying to represent. I could imagine it might be a little hard to eat though.

    I look forward to seeing more of your creative ideas Haylee,

    Kind regards

    Miss Wilson

  3. That is really creative Haylee! The wood peel for toast and the lego for eggs so clever!

  4. Hi Haylee
    What a creative breakfast! All the elements on your breakfast are just what you would find in a restaurant breakfast, but imaginative rather than real! It would be great to see a picture of all the elements on one plate as if you were serving it up. Keep up the great creative work!
    Mrs Ealam


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