20 April 2020

room 6 best baker

on Friday while in quarantine for fun day Friday we did the room 6 best baker. we had to find something to bake I could of been anything but I baked caramel cake, here is what we did and what I baked. 


  1. Hi Haylee,

    I loved watching your slideshow about the bake off Room 6 did on Friday. It was awesome how you included the recipe for others to follow. Were you happy with how the pudding turned out? It looked delish!! I wish I was with you to try some.

    Thank you so much for sharing in such an easy manner to read.


    Mrs B.

  2. Hi Haylee,

    I really like how you made something very different. I have never seen a caramel cake like that so it was very interesting to see. I also really liked how you displayed your recipe so creatively and how you drew all the lovely pictures. What are some other things you have made during this isolation period?


    Miss Wilson


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